These drinks were such a hit at Ashton’s It’s the Party that I knew I would need to share the simple recipe for this tasty, fun drink. It is an adult drink though since one of the ingredients is Vanilla flavored Vodka but it tasted just like a Root Beer Float!

- 2-3 liters Root Beer
- bottle of Vanilla Vodka
- whipped cream for topping, optional
- Simply mix one part vodka to three parts root beer, to taste.
- We served ours in round bomb shaped sports drink cups (see below) to stick with the party theme.
- If you use a open cup instead of a plastic sports drink cup like we did then top with whipped cream!
- Be careful, these are addictive!
The birthday boy was also the bartender. We loved using these round sports drink containers because you simply add the root beer and vanilla vodka, put the lid on, shake, and serve!
I found these drinks at Wal-Mart but I have also seen them at Toys R Us and Big Lots.
We emptied the drink and used a black sharpie to color in the purple lids.
These drinks were super simple but tasted fantastic. All the guys were drinking these cute little bomb shaped drinks and asking for more!
Baby Ava and me relaxing after the party.
Toasting Ashton! Happy Birthday!
Good times with all the EOD guys!
We had a “blast” celebrating Ashton’s It’s the Bomb Party!
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