Try something different when you decorate Easter eggs this year and use this easy tie dye technique.
This fun spring craft only requires boiled eggs, water, paper towels, and food coloring and makes beautiful vibrant and unique Easter eggs.
What you need:
Large hard boiled eggs, dried and cooled
A variety of food coloring
A roll of paper towels
Small rubber bands
Spray bottle filled with water
1. Use smaller rectangle size paper towels or cut a full size paper towel into two.
2. Add an egg in the middle of each paper towel and wrap it around the egg completely.
3. Twist closed at the top and secure with a small rubbed band. Repeats with all eggs.
4. Now get creative and add drops of different shades of food coloring all over each egg. You can do designs or just add drops of color but leave some white space.
5. Next, use a spray bottle filled with water and spray all over the paper towel covered eggs, so the colors bleed all over the towel. Do this over a plate or bowl to catch the mess. You can even wear gloves!
6. Squeeze the towels to remove any extra water then set the eggs aside to dry.
7. When full dried (we leave ours overnight or use a fan to speed up dry time) remove the rubber bands and unwrap each egg.
8. Display and enjoy your pretty Easter egg creations!
I love when my girls work together on projects. This as such an easy and fun way to decorate our eggs.
I bet we will use this technique every year from now on.
Creative Stella and Artistic Ava came up with some fun designs.
Simply wrap a boiled egg in a paper towel, secure, add food coloring drops, then spray with water and dry before unwrapping.
Our tie dye egg creations! So colorful and unique!
That is such a great idea! I love how easy it is to do this, and I love the designs the paper towels make.
This is a fun way to get new designs. We decorated eggs yesterday. We’re ready for tomorrow.
Such a great idea! We’ll definitely be trying this activity today!! Happy easter to you!