Ashton returned from deployment this fall and we are overjoyed to have him home. The wonderful Lisa Anne Photography in Deridder, LA offered free photo sessions for recently returning soldiers and their families. So we combined a few themes in one: Patriotic, Maternity, and a surprise Disney trip announcement!
Check out our photos below and comment with what you think!

There is something just lovely about a day at the park.
We did not have any detailed plans for family photos. We simply gave Ava a balloon and let Lisa Anne capture the moments. The end result was magical.

Baby #2, a girl, is due in March.
Little Ava, I cannot wait for you to be a big sister.
My baby is getting so big!
I love my family.
One of my favorites. So sweet!

I seriously cannot choose a favorite!

Prego and lovin’ it!
We’ve been through so much together already, my love.
“Family is not an important thing. It is everything.” -Michael J. Fox
….and of course we had to add a Disney surprise too!

Oh my goodness. She is adorable!

My sweet Ava. I love you so.
Check out this Disney surprise and many more in my new post :
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