We were blessed with a healthy baby girl, Ava Luciana Hood, born on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 at 3:22 PM. She was 7 lbs, 15 oz and 20.5 inches long.
The doctors and nurses at BJACH in Ft Polk, LA were amazing and I was lucky enough to have a healthy pregnancy and complication free labor and delivery. My parents came to Louisiana to visit and meet their first grandbaby and I can tell already she is going to be spoiled! Every day we fall more and more in love with our sweet princess and we thank our lucky stars that she is in our lives!

At 11 days young Ava was asked to be a model for a couple local photographers, Tiffany Hess and Jennifer Lohrke and wear a few darling designs from Couture Prop Shop . Check out the beautiful pictures below!
With her Grandma (Oba) Terri
With her Grandpa John
Our first lunch out with Ava.
First time in a car seat!
She loves to stare up at us!
My little girl (and her beautiful lips) !
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