Double Decker Egg in a Hole Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Makes 2 sandwiches
2large eggs
4slicescheesewe like Muenster and Swiss
non stick cooking sprayor butter
Using a mason jar lid or round circle cookie cutter cut out a circle in the center of two slices of bread. Reserve circle to make a mini sandwich for later!
Spray one side of the bread with cooking spray.
Heat a skillet over medium heat and spray with cooking spray.
Place one slice of cut out bread in the skillet, non cooking sprayed (or buttered) side down.
Crack an egg into the cut out hole of the bread.
Cook for 2-3 minutes (or until desired egg doneness). I like the whites to be cooked but the yolk still runny.
Gently flip the bread over and add a slice of cheese.
Cook enough to toast the other side of the bread and melt cheese.
Remove to a plate and respray skillet.
Add another whole slice of bread and add a slice of cheese on top. Toast for a minute to melt the cheese.
Lay egg in a hole bread slice on top of the bread with the melted cheese.
Top with another slice of bread.
Spray the top of the bread with cooking spray and gently flip the sandwich to toast the bread.
Remove to a plate and repeat with remaining bread.